The Rencontres Militaires Blessures et Sports (RMBS)
Arquus President Emmanuel Levacher at RMBS 2022
Since 2012, the Rencontres Militaires Blessures et Sport have been bringing together some fifty wounded soldiers from the three armies for sporting events each year. Surrounded by sports coaches and specialised health personnel, the soldiers can discover activities adapted to their state of health and exchange with other soldiers who are in the same situation as them.
These sporting events contribute to the moral and social reconstruction of our soldiers injured in combat or in service. They provide a unique opportunity for exchanges between the wounded and public and private institutional players. They also provide an opportunity to express gratitude to those who were wounded while carrying the arms of France and its values.
For several years, Arquus has contributed to the organisation of these sports days in support of the war wounded.
1Par1 association
The Association "1Par1" was created by the Arquus School Committee in 2015. It provides long-term support to military families affected by bereavement below the poverty line by providing material and moral support focused on the child's academic and personal development.
1par 1 works in close collaboration with the Cellule d'Aide aux Blessés de l'Armée de Terre (CABAT) which suggests to 1par 1 which families to support.
In addition to the privileged and individualized contact between families and sponsors, the association ensures, according to the needs observed, the purchase of school supplies, the payment of school registration fees, or the financing of private lessons. It also offers advice on "everyday life" or orientation and participates in the financing of educational and cultural activities.
These actions are decided by 1Par1 in conjunction with a social worker from Arquus and the social commission of the Association pour le Développement des Œuvres d'Entraide dans l'Armée (ADO).
For seven years now, 1Par1 has supported many children through the allocation of various aids, such as the purchase of books, computers, or the granting of scholarships.
Association des Œuvres d’Entraide de la Défense (ADO)
Créée en 1939, l’ADO, Association des Oeuvres d'Entraide de l'Armée, prodigue une aide financière aux militaires et civils de la Défense, d’active, de réserve et aux retraités. Elle développe des actions d’entraide à destination des veuves et orphelins, des personnes âgées et handicapées et des personnes en grande difficulté.
L’ADO soutient des actions de solidarité par l’attribution de bourses d’études (enfants âgés de 6 ans à 25 ans) ou d’allocations jeunes enfants (de 1 à 5 ans) à l’ensemble des orphelins de la défense dont les dossiers sont instruits par la commission sociale de l’ADO. Certaine d’entre elles sont majorées car destinées à de jeunes étudiants sans ressources mais engagés dans un projet professionnel validé par la commission sociale de l’ADO.
Arquus participe depuis plusieurs années au financement des bourdes d'études qui sont allouées chaque année aux orphelins scolarisés. Cela permet de planifier une action durable, adaptée au besoin des familles endeuillées souvent démunies, et déterminante pour favoriser la réussite scolaire des enfants.
Ce dispositif bénéficie à plus de 800 orphelins chaque année.
Terre Fraternité
Source : Terre Fraternité
Following the bombing of the Bouake detachment (RCI) in November 2004, which left ten dead and 40 wounded, new needs arose to relieve the families and the wounded, needs that General Bernard Thorette, Chief of Staff of the Army (CEMAT) at the time, wished to meet.
Under his impetus, the Terre Fraternité association was created in 2005 (published in the French Official Gazette on 4 June) to support soldiers injured in service, their families and the families of soldiers who died in service.
Each year, Arquus renews its partnership with Terre Fraternité to support the families of soldiers who have died in service through a donation that finances the aid provided by the association.