The logistics equipment is well-suited to tackling the enemy, which is multifaceted and often operates by means of forays, throughout which it reveals any weaknesses and uses methods most commonly employed by terrorists. The zone to be covered is huge; as great a surface area as Europe. It was within this extraordinary context that the TRAIN crews supplied the FOBs and armies of our African allies all year round from behind the wheel of Arquus vehicles.
Arquus produce the TRM 2000, TRM 10000, VTL, GBC 180, VBL, VAB and Sagaie vehicles, which account for almost 95% of the vehicle fleets deployed during the initial phases of Operation Serval.
A total of 3 million litres of petrol and diesel fuel were consumed during the TRAIN vehicle deployment.

Vehicle convoy deployed during Operation Serval, April 2013 © Patrick ROBERT
Vehicle convoy deployed during Operation Serval, April 2013 © Patrick ROBERT